Paper Myths Media is THRILLED to be hosting a 7 Day Tour for EROS by CARLY SPADE (Please note, this links to Goodreads as the Pre-Order isn't live yet.)
Although EROS is releasing August 16th, The TOUR DATES are August 29th-Sept 4th. ARCS for EROS will be available around the end of July with ARCS of the first three books being offered sooner! (Covers provided below so you can drool along with me!)
This is the 4th book in her Contemporary Mythos Series, - each book CAN BE READ AS A STANDALONE but as a BONUS - Carly is offering ARCS OF THE FIRST 3 BOOKS - in addition to the 4th for those who sign up for the EROS tour!
Keep reading for all the details on the EROS!
PRIMARY GENRE: Urban Fantasy - set it our world, or one closely resembling it. Think, Shadowhunters
HEAT LEVEL: Fan Yourself Steamy - Generally 1-3 detailed sex scenes, some coarse language - think A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, The Black Dagger Brotherhood
TRIGGERS: None provided by the author
Elani Stewart hasn't believed in “true love" or fairytale endings since her parents’ divorce. It's one of the reasons she developed her dating service "E-romantic", a scientific algorithm based process that matches one person to their most compatible partners. When clients start dropping like flies, claiming that a bartender at The Arrow led them to the "love of their lives", she decides to take matters into her own hands or risk being clientless. Little does she know she's up against the god of love and passion himself. If she can open herself to the possibilities and listen to destiny's call she may learn to trust in love again and "soar" to new heights.
